Great Bowery Code of Conduct: No Harassment or Discrimination
The safety, security and welfare of the individuals with whom we work is our top priority, and we seek to ensure that all of our employees, artists, vendors, partners, and clients adhere to our principles and policies and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This Code of Conduct applies to all parties who work for and with Great Bowery, Inc. in furtherance of a safe and respectful working environment.

Everyone working on a production shoot or any other creative project should be treated with dignity and respect. All work performed on any project must be performed in a professional manner, free of any and all forms of discrimination or harassment. Any inappropriate conduct toward others, including but not limitedto that based on an individual’s sex, race, color, weight, body shape, size, religion, national origin, ancestry,age, marital or domestic-partnership status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or transgender status, will not be tolerated.

Every production shoot and/or project must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • All work performed must be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to labor, wage and hour, and immigration laws of the country in which you are working
  • Project participants may not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs (including unsanctioned prescription drugs), and the consumption or use of alcohol and illegal drugs (including the misuse of prescription drugs) on the premises of a project is strictly prohibited.
  • The general nature of any project will be explained to the participants in advance before the shoot or performance of the job. Any concepts that include nudity, semi-nudity, simulated drug or alcohol use, or sexually suggestive poses must be pre-approved by the relevant participants in advance of the shoot or project.
  • Project participants shall respect all private dressing spaces.
  • We recommend that at no time should a model or others be left alone on set with individuals linked to the production (including photographers, make-up artists, stylists, etc.). All models under 18 years of age shall be required to have a parent or legal guardian (or a chaperone, approved in writing, by the parent or legal guardian) with them on set/location.
  • Any concerns a project participant has regarding the amount of skin exposure of wardrobe must be considered, and no subject should be pressured to expose themselves more than they feel comfortable.
  • Models, photographers, make-up artists, stylists, and all other individuals and attendees shall be treated with dignity and professionalism, and shall not be exposed to dangerous, degrading or demeaning activities or retaliatory behavior.

All project participants must act professionally and refrain from harassment of any kind. Unacceptable conduct includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Sexual advances or propositions.
  • Any type of sexual activity or contact.
  • Any suggestion, direct or implied, that submission to or rejection of sexual advances will affect an individual’s ability to perform services for the project
  • Display of pornographic or obscene material.
  • Offensive comments regarding a person’s sex, race, color, weight, body shape, size, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression or transgender status, including epithets and slur, physical threats or assaults.
  • Derogatory or insensitive jokes or comments.
  • Unnecessary or unwanted bodily contact such as groping or massaging.


Anyone who has concerns about conduct occurring on any production shoot or project should contact the client representative listed on the call sheet or contract that has been provided and/or posted on-set and promptly inform your Agent and/or Great Bowery Human Resources Department at:HR@GREATBOWERY.COM. Great Bowery has a strict policy against retaliation for reporting any inappropriate conduct or behavior.